The Puffle Party's almost here, along with the very first in-game appearance of Club Penguin's newest character -- PH the Puffle Handler!
PH first appeared in 2008 as a secret agent in the Nintendo DS game Elite Penguin Force. This adventurous explorer trained all the Elite Puffles, including Flare!
Here are some other cool facts about PH:
By Happy77 on March 13 2012 05:25The Puffle Party's almost here, along with the very first in-game appearance of Club Penguin's newest character -- PH the Puffle Handler!
- She changed her penguin color after discovering the first brown puffle in the wilderness!
- She helped redesign the Pet Shop to make it more exciting for puffles!
- Favorite Item: Puffle Whistle
- Favorite Food: O'berries
- Favorite Game: Puffle Paddle
You might get a chance to meet PH at the Puffle Party. She tries to log on to as many servers as she can, so hopefully you'll get to meet her when she logs on!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team