Saturday, January 7, 2012

Buddy List Bug!

Another bug!!! When = you open your buddy list, it has the spinning arrows of doom :(

Is Club Penguin going to crash!? Things like this have been happening almost nonstop! I REALLY hope Club Penguin can fix these :(



Can't log into CP :(

UPDATED: If you use Chrome or Firefox, you can log in. Hope you can all Waddle On!

Bellow Zero Server Bug :(

Server Bellow Zero now has the "This server is full" bug when there is only one bar.  Hope you can fix this soon CP!

Black Hoodie Bug

As you mostly have all heard (and seen) there is a black hoodie Bug. Making your own black hoodie with a white CP splatt on the side. But the Bug is, that It has a black splatt instead of a white one. Check it out:

I hope CP fixes this soon!