Thursday, August 18, 2011

EPF mostly...

Well, I have too many things to seems everything is happening at once...don't you think??
I'll start out with the home page

Woah, what's up with that??? And they are giving a dead giveaway about Herbert...something fishy is DEFINATLEY going on and then when you press play heres what comes up:

Another giveaway! and look way behing the Probot...yeah, right there

Does that look familiar? Let me see...

For sure...that is weird... and NOW the newspaper

Lets go back to the top,

Ahh Klutzy...

So clever... but what is he trying to get exactly? I guess we'll just have to find out. Also in the EPF part

Click on the EPF Icon

THATS what the whole winter sports thing is about! Nice on Gary, good thinking. Well, amazingly thats IT. Have a great cold day!